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Visit of Mantua - 2 hours 30

tour mantova - veduta
Town in the outskirts of Verona, which was the seat of one of the most fascinating and long-lived noble families of Europe, linked to the most important continental monarchies. In Mantua you can visit monuments built by this rich and cultured family, such as the Ducal Palace, the Basilica of Saint Andrea and Palazzo Te, their summer Residence.
It consists of a half day tour with meeting with the local guide along the Lake (Viale Mincio). We walk to Piazza Sordello and visit the Ducal Palace (free entrance for school children and the elderly-groups € 6.00 p/p; closed on Mondays), with frescoes by Giulio Romano and Andrea Mantegna, Cathedral, Piazza delle Erbe and Saint Andrea. Palazzo Te (admission fees apply) you can visit having at your disposal the whole day or alternatively to Palazzo Ducale.
For further information and tailored programs please contact us:
tel. 045 595047 - fax 045 590717 – mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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